The goal of the Innovation Station is to showcase the power of Intel processors and highlight the features and functionality of Intel Powered 2-in-1 devices. By partnering with Best Buy, Intel created the Experience Zone - a multi-year platform for engaging content.
Intel’s 2-in-1 devices communicate wirelessly to the table via a dedicated socket connection. The user's interaction with the interactive table is based on the orientation of the 2-in-1 device. Depending on laptop or tablet orientation, the user controls and mixes the featured artist's track or lighting effects. If two users are in the same orientation, one user gets bonus features with additional activated controls.
Based on technical and functional specifications from Intel, creative teams and vendors, I developed a solution to deliver the interactive experience. I programmed using Unity3D and Adobe Air and designed the TCP communication protocols for the interactive table and 2-in-1 devices. Employing a simulated AI scheme, I enabled more dynamic content and videos in response to user performance.